BUSINESS people have been questioning Bolton Council's Director of Finance about local issues.

Mr Steve Arnfield was on hand at the Watermillock in Crompton Way to meet members of Bolton and Bury Chamber of Commerce and the East Bolton Business forum.

Kay Gregson, the Chamber's Director of Customer Service, said there had been a lively discussion at a "very positive" meeting.

Mr Arnfield explained that local authority departments had been asked to indicate areas where costs could be reduced by three per cent and enable the increase in Council Tax to be kept to 6.2 per cent -- exclusive of any increase the Police and Fire Service might add. The Council was considering using £600,000 of reserves to minimise the impact of savings required on services.

About a dozen business people taking part in the exercise were told that one option was to increase parking charges and another was to reduce them -- something which was not simple when it involved private car park operators.

It was suggested that comparisons should be made with similar towns in the area before any action was taken.

And Mr Arnfield was asked about giving local companies preference when council contracts were being allocated.

He said contracts had to be put out to tender and the choice was made on best value, not necessarily best price.

But if the differential was minor, then preference would be given to local companies.

"By the end of it people had a far greater appreciation of how tight a juggling act the town hall has to do," Kay Gregson said.

She added: "There was general support for the council's proposal to set their Council Tax at 6.2 per cent rather than seek further reductions/savings in services."