I WOULD like to respond to the letter from P Allen (January 23).

I disagree that Bush wants Iraq's oil. They would only account for about 2-3 per cent of America's supply .... not worth going to war for! As for dominance of the world ... give me a break! America has enough problems of its own without taking on the world's problems.

I would agree that we are no longer ruled by politicians, but by the big business and big money they tend to represent. We should be afraid of this. We all have the right to vote, use it! America, in my humble opinion, has not earned the right to be hated. America is a great country, filled with terrific people. The majority love their country, are generous and hard working. Perhaps we are big polluters, however we are a huge country, with a huge population which results in more pollution. Americans, in general, are not "greedy". We enjoy a very high standard of living, but we work for it.

I have to ask, just how many Americans do you know that enables you to form your distorted opinion? How many times have you visited the US? I was born and raised in Great Britain and I now live in the US. Having LIVED in both countries, I can honestly say that both are terrific countries with great people.

Deborah K Schlemer

Pocahontas, IL 62275