BOLTON Metro's Health, Sport and Inclusion Team have teamed up with GreaterSport to offer young swimmers in Years 4/5/6 the opportunity to become involved in the Active Swimming Programme.

This is a pre-swimming club introducing young people at level 10 or above in the National Teaching Awards and giving them the chance to learn and train with qualified staff.

The National World Class Programme offers young people routes into local swimming clubs and the Centre of Excellence, Bolton Swimming Squad, which is often a springboard for regional and national swimming opportunities.

For just £1 visitors with a keen interest in swimming can become involved in competitive swimming. There are some basic requirements for young swimmers and these are that they should have

attained level 10 of the National Teaching Awards

be able to swim continuously for 150 metres on all four swimming strokes

be able to execute a frontcrawl, backstroke and breaststroke turn

tread water for 3 minutes

scull head first feet first continuously for 50 metres

Swimming Festivals are the platform where young people can develop skills with ASA qualified coaches in a friendly, fun and safe environment.

These can lead to Swimming Camp if selected from a Swimming Festival.

Kim Harrison is the Swimming Activities Officer with Bolton Metro and can give advice on swimming lessons and sessions to suit everyone. Contact her on 334461 for more details.