NOW is the time when everybody's thoughts turn to planning and preparing for holidays and the Post Office is ready to play its part with a wide range of travel services and a special competition for Bolton Evening News Reader Club members.

Once you have booked that dream trip, you can use your local post office as a one-stop shop for all travel requirements, from foreign currency to insurance. For instance, Post Office Ltd is this month encouraging customers to 'Look Before You Book' and make sure they are getting the right travel insurance policy to suit their needs

Travel Insurance available through the Post Office starts from £11 for a single trip to Europe and £57 for an annual policy. The 'Kids go free' insurance policy applies to dependant children aged 0-17 travelling with their parents, grandparents, uncle, aunt or legal guardian with travel

insurance from Post Office.

Other advantages of visiting a Post Office before going away are:

Nought per cent on foreign currency

Passport application and checking facility (at selected offices)

Medical from E111

Royal Mail Keepsafe

Holiday phone card usable in 50 countries

Car rental through Holiday Autos

The Post Office is offering one lucky reader club member the chance to win £400 worth of Thomas Cook vouchers.

To win answer the question and send in your completed entry coupon to Post Office Competition, Reader Club, Bolton Evening News, Churchgate, Bolton, BL1 1DE to arrive no later than February 8 or alternatively email us on

Usual Bolton Evening News rules apply.

Question: What commission does the Post Office charge on foreign currency?