AFTER reading my recent letter in the Bolton Evening News about the ever increasing number of administration jobs within the NHS, a reader sent me a number of cuttings of NHS jobs advertised in The Guardian of February 5.

The list comprised of 30 jobs, such as Ethnicity and Diversity Adviser (£35,000 pa); Person Centred Planning Development Worker (£21,136 pa); Challenging Behaviour Services Manager (£31,041 pa); Career and Staff Development Adviser (£40,000 pa), and the list went on. All in all, 30 jobs paying over £860,000 per year.

If these 30 jobs pay out over £860,000 per year; the mind boggles at the thought of the wage bill for the existing 224,030 managers who work in the NHS.

Little wonder then that, over the past 10 years, we have lost a staggering 59,000 hospital beds, as hospitals continue to be bulldozed, making way for leisure centres and luxury housing developments.

With managerial wage bills such as this, we cannot afford doctors, nurses or patients.

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
