PUPILS at St Thomas's School, Bentinck Street, Farnworth, in 1951.

The picture has been sent to me by Mrs Jean Turner (nee Whitworth), who now lives at Lezerea Cottage, Lezerea, Porkellis, Wendron, Helston, Cornwall, TR13 OED (Tel. 01209 832077, or e-mail: jeanturnerlezerea@ntlworld.com), who says she is not sure of the names of the back row, but on the middle row, from left, are Frank Hoyle, Sheila Bradley, Sheila Kearns, Rosemary Nicholson, Doreen Hunt, Tommy Lennon.

On the front row, from left, are Sylvia Rushton, Joan Hulme, Margaret Powell, Shirley Mottram, Sheila Mort, Jean Whitworth, Eva Shawcross, Brenda Cunliffe, Frank Cooper, Raymond ? The teacher was Mrs Yates.

Jean writes: "My apologies to the people whose names I can't remember, but it was a long time ago."