AFTER reading, with great interest, your article in Friday's Bolton Evening News on speed humps, speeding on St Peter's Way etc, I find it time for me to express some concern in the manner in which we try to educate drivers on road safety education.

Over the past number of years, many new road markings and traffic signs have appeared. Drivers of only a few years' experience, who passed their driving test before they were introduced, would have no knowledge of their meaning, or how to negotiate the procedure of them.

No matter how many traffic measures are introduced, unless you give instruction on their meaning, or how to negotiate them, they become a danger to pedestrians and drivers

In proportion to the number of drivers on the road, there are very few who understand the meaning of bus lanes and how to use them, the difference between a taxi and a private hire vehicle, the correct use of box junctions and cyclist lanes to name but a few. It has become general knowledge that the number of people who look at the Highway Code after passing their driving test are few and far between.

To publish such information in the press is wasting public money, simply because very few read them, and those who do read them would not read articles with relation to the Highway Code, simply because they think they know it.

The only way to educate the general public in road safety matters is to bombard TV with advertising every time a new road sign or road marking comes into operation, for a month or so after its introduction. In this manner we would have some chance of the public being made aware of their introduction and meaning of them.

A Ramsdale ADI

Ramsdale School of Motoring

Buckley Lane

Farnworth, Bolton