TO celebrate the new range of Flower Smiler stamps, Royal Mail is offering Reader Club readers a fantastic Samsung digimax 350SE camera, worth £350.

Smilers stamps are a great way to personalise your post by having your own picture printed next to the stamp.

The new Flower Smilers feature portraits of 10 common garden flowers including the Tulip, Magnolia, Iris and Fuchsia and are available in sheets of 20 First class stamps for £14.95 perfect for invitations, special occasions and personal mail. Making your post 'personal' has never been easier, Smilers can be ordered online at or call 0845 074 200 for further information or pick up a leaflet from your local Post Office branch.

Be a Budding Botanist -- brighten up your post with the 'Generic' Flower Smilers -- 20 First Class stamps with labels attached showing detailed floral images, flower descriptions and their Latin names. A sheet of generic Smilers costs just £5.95. The best way to take your Smilers photos is with the Samsung 350SE Digimax camera. The camera has 3 x optical zoom, auto focus, colour LCD preview screen and moving picture mode which enables you to record 30 seconds of video clips. It even has a night shooting mode!

To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic camera, simply answer the following question and send in your completed entry coupon to Flower Smilers Competition, Reader Club, Bolton Evening News, Churchgate, Bolton, BL1 1DE to arrive no later than 1st March or alternatively email us on Usual Bolton Evening News rules apply.

Question: How many flowers are featured on Royal Mail's new Flower Smilers?