I REFER to your headlines of February 11 and, in particular, the behaviour of Labour Party councillor Elaine Sherrington in trying to censor views on race which do not accord with her own.

There are problems in this society which will not go away unless there is an open and honest debate about this sensitive issue.

If people are publicly castigated for making an informal comment, then the traditional tolerance and understanding of the British people will be stretched too far and genuine fears not addressed.

In a recent poll for The Times, 59 per cent of voters felt that certain sections of the community seem to get priority when it comes to things like having NHS treatment and schools. Does Cllr Sherrington propose to report all these people? Are all these voters wrong? Do their views not matter?

When such a large section of our society feels ignored, perceptions of inequalities will merely foster resentment, and persuade people to vote as they did in Halifax, Burnley and Stoke-on-Trent.

The many millions of decent, hard working British people are sick and tired of politically correct "thought police" telling them what they can think or say. When will the politicians listen to what the majority want?

(Name and address supplied)