WITH reference to Marcus Phillips's letter (February 19), he seems to imply that increasing the number of buses along South Drive and Hough Fold Way is a good thing. Judging by the scale of petitions signed and sent to First Manchester and councillors, Mr Phillips would appear to be in a sizeable minority.

In simple terms, people living on South Drive and Hough Fold Way definitely do not want the re-routed 506 service, while those who have lost this service from Stitch-mi-Lane want it back.

Of the buses which arrive at the top of Hough Fold Way, two-thirds are empty while the majority of the others carry only one or two passengers, whatever time of day you choose to look. So where is the demand for this bus service? Sample of 60 buses, average number of passengers per bus -- 1.3!

No doubt some will point out that there was a "public meeting" about the new bus plans in late 2002. I have met only two people who had heard anything about this meeting, and their information said that it would be held at Cannon Street. In fact, it was held at Canon Slade School!

While provision needs to be made for the few people who do use this bus, the 506 needs to return to its original route as soon as possible. All this, and nothing said about the nearby primary school, potential accidents, air and noise pollution, Safeways' delivery traffic, damage to the roads and disruption to lives. Let us return to the way things used to be.

Rod Ashworth

Hough Fold Way

Harwood, Bolton