BURY has been successful in attracting new cash to help create extra out of school places for youngsters.

The good news, especially for working parents, comes following a successful bid to the New Opportunities Fund. Now, nearly £70,000 is being made available which will bring more than 100 extra daytime, before and after school, as well as holiday places.

Bury Council's Early Years spokesman, Cllr John Costello said: "This is great news for working parents and provides further additional places for children. As a borough we have been extremely successful in attracting funding for these kind of initiatives, something which I am sure, everyone is pleased about. In the last three years since the New Opportunities Fund has been available, Bury has successfully been able to create 731 new out of school places and been awarded a total of £556,708."

Altogether £69,489 has come to the borough and the money will now be used to provide additional places in the Walshaw, Ramsbottom, Elton and Redvales areas. The funding will help towards the cost of minor building refurbishment, staffing, equipment and materials.