All matches to be completed during week commencing March 17.

Warburton Cup Semi Final: Hilton C (+9) v Hilton Tameside; Ladybridge B (+9) v Ramsbottom B. Brian Gittins Semi Final: Cricketers v Wharton A (scr); Ramsbottom A v Chorley Old Road (+7). George Yates Semi Final: Little Lever D v Ladybridge C (scr); Heaton E (+6) v Ladybridge B. Ron Hindle Trophy Semi Final: Jubilee v Meadow Hill C (scr). Heaton F have already won their Semi Final with YMCA.

Finals of the Warburton Cup and the Brian Gittins Cup to be played on Monday, April 7, and the George Yates and Ron Hindle to be played on Wednesday, April 9. Both at the Hilton Centre starting 7.30pm.