WHO are George Bush and his clone Tony Blair trying to kid and what is the hidden agenda that they have?

They cannot get backing in the UN by fair means, so Bush turns to bribes and bullying smaller nations. As for Spain -- we all know where they stood during the Second World War.

Why don't they just bomb the factories that produce the chemical weapons? After all, we backed the deal for them in 1985, and that was after Saddam gassed 8,000 of his own people, and after the plant was built he murdered a further 18,000 the same way. Paul Channon authorised the deal on behalf of the government of the day.

So, Mr Blair, don't try to take the moral high ground. Get rid of the despot Saddam by all means, but do it with a degree of honesty and stop being such a hypocrite. Furthermore, if you stop blindly backing President Bush over the Saddam issue, you will see that there is a lot to do nearer home.

Iain Camick
