WHILE everyone is blaming the French, I applaud them.

Their threat of a veto ended a disgraceful show of contempt for the United Nations and the Security Council.

The United States and Britain were not taking their case to the Security Council to present an argument for war, they were simply demanding endorsement of their own plans for an immediate attack on Iraq.

These two countries -- champions of democracy and the free world -- then openly began to bribe, bully and threaten the non-permanent members of the Council.

They said that, if the United Nations didn't do what they wanted, it was making itself useless. Useless to them, that's all.

They did their best to prevent the UN doing what it is supposed to do -- discuss objectively.

Bolton South-east MP Brian Iddon, at a recent meeting, answered criticism of the United States' behaviour by saying: "Well, that is politics. That is how it works". I felt ashamed of politics at that moment and wanted to say to him that at least Bolton invests in Bully Free Zones.

I applaud France because they have prevented the United Nations from being made into a poodle that will automatically endorse the plans of the United States.

The UN will have more status in the future now that its compliance to American foreign policy cannot be assured.

Tony McNeiIe

Chairman Bolton Branch

United Nations
