EN GARDE! Fencing has become a part of school life for youngsters at an Egerton primary school.

Pupils at Walmsley School are taking part in the sport, which is just one of a range of extra-curricular activities on offer.

The school is also giving youngsters the chance to sharpen their skills at chess, judo, rugby league, tennis, football, cross country running and French in classes run before and after school, as well as at lunchtimes.

More than 100 youngsters take part, with the numbers having swelled since the first classes were set up by the school three years ago. Headteacher Pat Ashton said: "These activities have certainly made school more exciting. They really have added to the children's interest."

She added that the classes have boosted self esteem among youngsters, especially those who may not excel in the classroom but have skills in other areas, such as judo.

The school recognises such talent with internal awards -- such as judo player of the week.

Teachers have also organised a chess competition for the pupils, and the winners of each year group will go forward to compete at regional level.