! READ with interest why Mr Blair would get your vote.

I am a British citizen living in Canada and yes I am another Brit that does not back this war. You say this is not about oil.

I too have read many reports and articles etc but read between the lines.

The US will not stop with Iraq.

Tony Blair maybe able to pull the wool over a few people's eyes but the first thing I saw this morning when I switched on the TV was the Daily Mirror and a picture of Mr Blair head lines TONY BLAIR THE MONSTER.

I am glad to think there are a few Brits left with some guts.

You say Mr Blair knows things he is not able to tell the public.

But let me assure you that the public have a right to know.

And as regards to making decisions, Mr Blair is not at liberty to make decisions off the cuff or otherwise.

But I am sure that WILL come to light at the next election.

B Williams

Ontario, Canada