ORGANISERS of a 1,650-signature petition calling for a pedestrian crossing at a dangerous road junction in Tonge Moor will have to wait until next month to find out if it will go ahead this year.

Highways officers have put forward a proposal for the crossing at the junction of Crompton Way and Thicketford Road.

But with limits on the highways budget, councillors will decide at a meeting later this month whether it is a high enough priority to be included in this year's programme.

The campaign for the crossing has been led by Karen Dixon and Stella Evans, whose children attend nearby Tonge Moor Primary School.

There is currently no pedestrian crossing at the busy traffic light-controlled junction where campaigners say children regularly have to run to cross before lights change.

Mother-of-four Karen Dixon said: "We are convinced we have a strong case but it's looking a bit doubtful because they are not sure they are going to have enough money this year."

Bolton North-east MP David Crausby and Tonge councillor Nick Peel have both lent their support to calls for a crossing.

Mr Crausby said: "I think there's a real need for a crossing as is demonstrated by the number of people who have backed this petition.

"It's a very dangerous road and I know a lot of schoolchildren cross on that corner."

Any new crossing at the junction could cost up to £60,000.