I FEEL after watching the news all day (April 9) that I have to write and express how proud I feel to be British in helping the Iraqi people to be free from such an evil dictator.

Can I stress that I am not a warmonger but that I felt that this conflict was justified even if weapons of mass destruction are not found. You only have to look at the faces of the Iraqi people when the coalition drove their tanks into Baghdad to see that they seem to have been waiting a lifetime for this to happen. When that statue was pulled down, you could see the relief on the faces of the civilian population, and yet the anti-war coalition are still looking for reasons for condemning this conflict.

I suggest that people realise that, since 9/11, the world has changed and people's attitudes are going to have to change, even if it means looking at situations in a different light. Finally, even though this conflict is a long way from being finished, I wish the liberated people of a Iraq a peaceful future.

Peter McClements

Birkdale Gardens
