I HAVE written many letters about crime in our society, but it just gets worse.

The Government keeps harping on about it, but does nothing positive. Figures keep rising, particularly those relating to drugs and stolen vehicles

The Government has lost the fight. The police are no longer allowed to ignore victims of racist offences but others affected by criminal activity should be treated with equal diligence.

For six years PM Tony Blair has been telling us he is going to get tough on crime, but has not done much about it. The police are not to blame, their hands are tied by a system of political correctness. The courts and judiciary are as much to blame. They slap the wrists of criminals instead of giving them sentences commensurate with their offences.

Blair and Blunkett want to get their fingers out. I hope the situation improves as some of the crimes are truly appalling. Our grandchildren, God bless them, are going to suffer.

Mr Fogg

Watermillock Gardens