LIONS will be roaming free on Smithills Moor next month and the public have been warned they will be in danger unless they hand over their cash.

Members of the Lions Club of Bolton will be taking part in their annual charity hike the "May Meander".

The seven mile circular walk starts at 10.20am on Sunday, May 11 from the car park at Moss Lane , on the right hand side of Barrow Bridge Road.

This year the cash will go to MENCAP and everyone is invited to talk part. The route will take in Smithills Moor. And sensible footwear, preferably walking shoes or hiking boots, are needed, along with sensible weather protective clothing and a small rucksack or backpack with food, drink and a first aid pack.

Anyone who wants to join the walk, should get in touch with Lion John Poulson on 01204 841610, or Bill Laithwaite on 01204 305869 for an entry form, details and sponsorship form.