THE 506 service bus route from Bolton centre to Harwood circular has recently been re-routed to pass along Hough Fold Way.

This has resulted in great inconvenience to those affected residents of Hough Fold Way, because of considerably increased air pollution with excessive diesel fumes. Noise levels, too, have risen way beyond those previously experienced.

On the few occasions when there are any passengers on board, if any are on the upper deck, they have a direct sightline into the upper storeys of the homes on the road, surely an invasion of privacy.

Despite representations about these problems to the councillor for Bradshaw ward, still the buses trundle along at ten minute intervals, at all times of the day, empty in most cases, and spreading their foul pollution.

We used to have a single deck service, at half-hourly intervals, which seemed to meet the needs of Harwood residents. Would it not be possible to return to this plan?

Robert Cliff

Hough Fold Way

Harwood, Bolton