An old photograph in the paper of Brandwood Street, Bolton, CP School was of great interest to Prof Graham Dawber, because he was on it!

So he sent this picture of the same school, of pupils who passed the 11-Plus Scholarship in 1945. "I have put in brackets the school I think they went to in September, 1945, but I might have one or two wrong," he comments. "It is, after all, 57 years ago."

Here are the details. Back row, from left: Hilda Eckersley (County Grammar), Ann Abbott (Canon Slade), Unknown, Unknown, Freda Waithman (County Grammar, Unknown (Canon Slade), Brenda Howarth (Bolton School).

Middle row: Brenda Walmsley (County Grammar), Constance Atkinson (County Grammar), Kenneth Holehouse (Bolton School), Unknown (Bolton School), Brian Birchall (?), Denis Maitland (?).

Front row: Norman Axon (County Grammar), Graham Dawber (County Grammar), Martin Farrell (County Grammar), Harold Daniels (County Grammar), Leslie Southern (County Grammar), Roy Kemp (Bolton School).

"The head teacher at the time was Mr Lord," writes Prof. Dawber. "Our class teacher for year 3 and 4 (the scholarship class) of the Junior School was Miss Jones. I seem to remember her being a bit of a disciplinarian but an excellent teacher. On one occasion no-one would own up to talking in class, so she gave the whole class the cane, including myself, who had a broken arm at the time."

If any of the names or future schools are wrong in the list above, don't blame me, blame Graham Dawber!