A SCHOOL has received an early Christmas present -- an outstanding report from education watchdog Inspectors.

Office for Standards in Education Inspectors have found that Egerton Community Primary School in Cox Green Road is excellently led and managed and that the quality of teaching is "very good."

The Ofsted report stated: "This is a very effective school. Excellent leadership and management have resulted in overall very effective teaching, very good pupil achievement and standards that are at least higher than expected for pupils' ages in almost all subjects.

"Pupils and parents are highly satisfied with the school. It provides very good value for money."

Inspectors found that overall standards have improved very considerably since the last inspection and that pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development was very good.

Teachers' planning was described as exceptionally effective with some teaching described as "often inspirational and imaginative...a very rich, flexible and innovative curriculum ensures that the learning needs of all groups of pupils are very effectively met."

Chair of Governors Pat Morrison said the report was a wonderful Christmas present fro the school.

"It's a tremendous tribute to all our professional and dedicated staff and a wonderful way to end the term and I would like to thank everyone for their hard work.

"We have excellent teams both in and out of school and very supportive parents."

Inspectors did not identify any key issues that needed to be addressed only minor points for further development in PE and RE.