A DEVELOPER refused permission to build an asphalt plant on a Horwich industrial estate is pushing forward with its plans.

Aggregate Industries has applied for a despite a planning application for the factory being refused by Bolton Council last month.

Councillors echoed residents' fears that the plant, which was to be built on land at Horwich Loco Industrial Estate, off Chorley New Road, would lead to increased traffic and noise and add to pollution already created at the site.

Bosses at the Leicester-based firm accused the council of introducing last-minute planning rules in order to scupper the proposals and have vowed to fight the council at a public inquiry. Now the company has gone ahead and applied for the permit it would require alongside planning permission to open the plant.

John Cronnolley, leader of Horwich Town Council, said: "The company is quite entitled to do this but we haven't changed our position, we just do not want it here. We want to see the Loco Works developed for more business use."