IWONDER if one of the "half-truths, distortions and downright lies, that get propagated as fact by opponents" of the E.U., that Mr Meagher, is referring to, are such items as E.U Council Regulation 2257/94, which lays down that bananas must be at least 139.7mm long and 26.9mm round and not have a "abnormal curvature"?

Two weeks ago, the House of Lords, threw out an attempt by Asda to challenge the legality of this and other similar EC laws.

Does it matter one iota to banana lovers, if a banana is a couple of m.m. longer/shorter, or a few m.m. fatter, or of abnormal curvature? Bananas are sold by weight.

As taxpayers we fund such regulative nonsense. No wonder there are people who consider the E.U. to be a, case of bananas!

Name and address supplied.