I WOULD like to say a few words of thanks to my many friends and customers.

Two months ago my butcher's shop, "Malcolm Carr's Scotch Beef", was severely damaged in a gas blast, causing business to be temporarily suspended.

Over the last two months I have been moved and heartened by the many good wishes, letters, phone calls and cards, wishing my family and myself well, and expressing their hopes for a speedy return to Astley Bridge.

Obviously, to be closed for what could be six months was a great worry, but to receive these wishes and all the promises of future trade have filled me with confidence for the future.

May I say a particular word of thanks to Ian Brown (December 31) for his letter from the heart. I was quite humbled by his words of support, and touched by the fact that I offered a service that seems to have brought such pleasure. While the shop is my living, I still believe that the "local shop" is part of people's lives, the banter and laughter paramount in this over-serious world where, in so many cases, people have forgotten the importance of a chat and a smile.

So, Ian, Sarah and James, and others too numerous to mention, a big "thank you" for helping me to channel my thoughts on re-opening the shop in a positive way.

Best wishes to all.

Malcolm Carr

South View

Belmont Village