JUNIOR Education Minister and MP for Bury South, Ivan Lewis, wants families who take term time holidays to be punished with £100 fines.

But surely Mr Lewis understands that for many parents the choice is to take term time holidays or not to take a holiday at all. For many the cost of holidays during school holidays is more than they can afford. For others, who work in essential industries and services, work commitments mean holidays have to be taken early or late season in term time.

Mr Lewis should also understand the importance of family holidays. Most of us can remember the holidays we had with our parents. Our sons often reminisce about their holidays with us when they were young. My wife and I often get out the photo albums. Out grandchildren "can't wait" for our next holiday together. Family holidays are just as important to the development of a child as is course work.

Instead of fussing about genuine families, the Junior Minister should concentrate his efforts on the real truants and their parents. This should not entail - as it does - using headteachers as scapegoats, giving them the job of handing out fines to parents who cannot, or will not, pay up.

As I have said before, governments cannot take away the rights of parents and teachers to discipline children, then impose fines on parents because their children are undisciplined. Neither can they expect headteachers to hand out fines to parents of undisciplined children who are being educated in their schools, when in reality headteachers should impose a discipline in their schools that would eradicate the problem of truancy and anti-social behaviour -- but cannot because of present legislation. It is this that the Junior Minister should be addressing.

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
