I WOULD like to thank Mr Gary Titley, New Labour MEP, for enlightening us about our European Rights on issues such as fair deal at work, consumer protection and the environment.

Yet again, in his excitement, he appears to have missed some of the real issues and the public's outcry about the proposals to add a fluoride to our water supply (Letters, December 27).

I would positively urge that he also inform his electorate of their rights under the EU Pharmaceuticals Directive, European Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. All of which would be immediately breached via the enforcement of the "Water Bill" if the decision, via the Strategic Health Authority, to fluoridate our water supplies is to go ahead.

It really is a sad state of affairs when we are forced to have our drinking and cooking water laced with a toxic chemical just so the Europhiles can have their day and finally prove that EU law really will override UK law.

Call it the "hexaflurosillic acid (Fluoride) test", if you want, we shall see if the European Parliament really has any teeth or whether or not it is just another pair of very expensive dentures that keep on chattering without having an effective bite.

We shouldn't have to beg to Brussels to defend our legitimate and legal Human Rights.

Ian Upton


Bolton Against Fluoridation Group

Thomas More Close, Bolton