A EURO MP targeted by a letter bomb earlier this month has been the victim of further attacks -- this time via email.

MEP Gary Titley's Spring Lane headquarters, in Radcliffe, is now receiving abusive emails from anti-EU writers, just a fortnight after his wife, Charo, was injured when she opened a parcel bomb.

Mr Titley said the emails started arriving immediately after the UK Independence Party said the bombing campaign -- conducted across Europe, allegedly by Italian anarchists -- was the price of forcing a political ideal on people.

But the UKIP has condemned this as a smear in advance of June's Euro elections, and urged the MEP to prove this had anything to do with them.

Mr Titley, leader of Britain's Labour MEPs in Europe, said: "I'm pretty angry about it -- all those e-mails saying nasty and very unpleasant things. One said you deserve what you got, and you should have got a bigger bomb."

Many of the e-mails are understood to praise the comments of the UKIP, and all of them say they want Britain to leave the EU.

Mr Titley has not passed on the emails to the police, saying they would not take seriously messages sent by "a group of headbangers".

A spokesman for the UKIP said: "He keeps making these claims but remains unwilling to back them up with any evidence. If he has proof, he should produce it or apologise to the public for misleading them.

"There is no way that we condone political violence in any form.

"Any UKIP member that sent the type of message he says he has received will be subject to disciplinary action which will almost certainly result in expulsion from the party."

A EURO MP targeted by a letter bomb earlier this month has been the victim of further attacks -- this time via email.

MEP Gary Titley's Spring Lane headquarters, in Radcliffe, is now receiving abusive emails from anti-EU writers, just a fortnight after his wife Charo was injured when she opened an exploding parcel.

Mr Titley said the emails started arriving immediately after the UK Independence Party said the bombing campaign -- conducted across Europe, allegedly by Italian anarchists -- was the price of forcing a political ideal on people.

But the UKIP has condemned this as a smear in advance of June's Euro elections, and urged the MEP to prove this had anything to do with them.