I AM a bus user, regularly using the Deane/Daubhill 540/582 bus routes.

I have to say all these bus drivers deserve medals for having to put up with the bus lanes on Deane Road and Derby Street which are constantly being used by motorists as a way to "edge out" on to the main road from side roads, drop off and waiting areas, parking bays, and loading/unloading points for people using and who own the shops on these roads.

These bus lanes are just that -- bus lanes -- and it makes me so angry to see people getting away with "abandoning" their cars with flashing hazards lights, sometimes within yards of each other.

It's only a matter of time before there's a major accident, especially when drivers edge out in to the bus lanes expecting buses to serve to avoid them. Swerve to where -- other vehicles?

Some days I wonder if I'll get off the bus in one piece, or worse.

How no one is killed is only due to the quick reactions of the bus drivers.

So well done all you bus drivers on the Deane Road/Derby Street routes for your quick reactions and of course for having the patience of saints!!

Miss Shirley Dunn

Neasden Grove
