IN reply to Miss Shirley Dunn, I congratulate her on the respect for bus lanes, and the consideration for bus drivers.

Having been a driving instructor for 32 years, part of which included bus drivers, I have a good understanding of her anger.

Bolton, along with many other towns, experiences problems with bus lanes and the use of them.

May I bring to attention, it is not the bus lanes that are the problem, it is the manner in which we are educating the people that use them. This could include the people that plan them. Very few people ever read the Highway Code after having passed their driving test.

The only way to educate people in the use of them is not by publishing them in newspapers, where only a very small proportion of the public read them, or would read them if they saw it was just an advertisement, but by placing them on television in the means of advertisements, along with all new traffic signs, road markings, and traffic regulations. I appreciate this will cost a lot of money, but is this more than the cost of lives? They need to be advertised for two or three months, not just for a week or so.

May I just add to the confusion.

Why the difference between Deane Road and St Helens Road with relation to the bus lanes, why should one have a time restriction, and the other none at all? It becomes very confusing.

Alan Ramsdale

Ramsdale School of Motoring

Buckley Lane
