Wanderers players believe referee Mike Riley cost them the Carling Cup.

They were left seething by the two crucial penalty decisions they say turned the game.

The players are adamant the Leeds official should not have allowed Boudewijn Zenden's seventh minute penalty to stand as he had double contact with the ball.

They also say Mr Riley got it wrong when he failed to give them an 89th minute spot kick for handball by Ugo Ehiogu. Centre half Emerson Thome also believes Mr Riley made a third error in giving the Middlesbrough penalty.

The disappointment of losing the final was etched on the players' faces after the game. But it was the performance of the referee which was uppermost in their minds as they reflected on the game.

"Their penalty should have been disallowed," said Stelios.

"The regulations say if you kick the ball twice, a goal should not be given, and he kicked it twice."

Jussi Jaaskelainen had the best view in the ground of Zenden's double strike and the Wanderers keeper was in no doubt what had happened.

He said: "He hit it with one foot and then hit it again with the other and it made the ball change direction."

Equally, Stelios had a clear sight of the 89th minute incident, as it was his shot which hit Ehiogu on the hand.

He said: "We should have had a penalty. I kicked the ball and he handballed it. I don't understand why he didn't give it. It was a clear handball.

"We are very disappointed but that's life, that's football and we have to go on."

Thome claims he has not given away a penalty in six years in English football, and feels his record should not have been blemished yesterday.

"It was a harsh decision," he argued. "I think I touched the ball and I didn't block him.

"It was 50-50 but the referee was not in the right position to make the decision.

"He could have asked the linesman but, no, he gave the penalty right away.

"That was the turning point. We claimed a penalty and he did not give it. The decisions went mostly to Middlesbrough and not to Bolton."

Henrik Pedersen added: "We should have had a penalty at the end. He had a hand on the ball.

"It was difficult for the referee to see it, but not the linesman."