THE Boxer rebellion in China was a fearsome bloodbath. I have missionary friends whose families escaped by the skin of their teeth.

So this book, which deals with the background to the rebellion, is a fascinating glimpse of how those non-nationals in China at the turn of the 20th century were unprepared for the holocaust to come.

Adam Williams -- born and raised in Hong Kong -- has crafted a novel which manages to reflect all the facets of the time from the prostitutes who are beaten and forced to ply their trade in The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure, to their customers and those who would not be seen in the brothel.

Helen Frances arrives in the remote city of Shishan where the convent girl finds herself in a very different world and falls for its charms.

The brothel keeper, Mother Liu, and her evil son, Ren Ren, are fine foils for the idealist Dr Airton whose regular conversations with the Mandarin leaves him to believe that all is well.

But at the end of the day the simmering secret society bursts into the open leaving death in its wake and a traumatic journey of escape and survival for Helen Frances and others.

All in all a readable fine first novel for Adam Williams.

The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure by Adam Williams, £15.99 Hodder & Stoughton