A SCHOOL has been dramatically turned around, from having "serious weaknesses" to providing good education and value for money.

In April 2002, Inspectors for the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) found All Saints Primary School, Farnworth, to have serious weaknesses -- but now the watchdogs have found the school has effectively addressed all its issues.

Inspectors stated in their new report: "This is a good school. The leadership of the headteacher is very good. Pupils achieve well throughout the school, including pupils with special educational needs and those for whom English is an additional language."

Teaching and learning at the school in Devon Street was praised as being good overall, and governors were described as a committed team who knew and understood the school. Pupils' personal development was also found to be good.

Inspectors stated: "Attitudes and behaviour are good. Pupils behave well in class and most have positive attitudes to school."

Headteacher Lesley Gutteridge -- who was found to have significantly contributed to the improvements -- said: "I am extremely pleased that the effort and dedication of the whole school team has been recognised in this report."

"There have been many changes in the last two years, which have aimed at all-round improvement. I am grateful to all those parents and governors who have supported us and challenged us to achieve more.

"However, our greatest achievement is the sense of pride our pupils have about their school, their achievements and their relationships with each other and with school staff."

"Weaknesses may be viewed from league tables and numbers on a page or in a list. Our great achievements may not be academic but we do keep on challenging and moving forward."

"Teaching is good, resulting in good learning in lessons.