I WENT to the tip at Birkacre in Chorley the other day to get rid of a bit of rubbish and recycle some newspapers.

While I was there I asked an attendant how I could tip an old washer drier that's presently looking ugly in my back yard.

I had an idea I could not bring it in a van as it would be classed as trade waste, which he confirmed and explained that I would need a permit for that.

I don't think I can get it in my car (which I'm allowed to do), but thinking that I might be able to borrow a van and that I could leave the van unseen outside, I asked if I could carry the washer drier in. I was told I would need a walking permit to do that.

Can't work out if they're clever for covering all bases, or whether it's a stupid situation.

Name and address supplied.