THERE are plenty of serious cyclists around in Bolton - dedicated sorts with all the equipment and energy to match.

But cycling has traditionally been an enjoyable activity for young boys and girls.

I seem to remember pedalling my new BSA to the countryside one day, only to fall in a stream and spend the entire day in an orange cycle cape - waiting for my clothes to dry sufficiently to return home.

Two of these pictures capture the spirit of those times for me and will no doubt stir memories for other people as well.

I suspect many modern parents do not think the roads are safe enough for their children to embark on such adventures.

Pictures -

Left: Intrepid: This picture is probably from around 1959, but there is nothing to identify the young cyclists or the year. The winter clothes suggest they were not the types to hibernate when snow was on the ground.

Top right: Adventure: It was August, 1959, and these lads had cycled to Belmont. David Watson, centre, is seen pointing out the ITV mast on Winter Hill to his Astley Bridge pals. They are, from left, Neil Pike, Michael Warren, Brian Pike and Stephen Curtis.

Bottom right: Speed demons: Cyclists were photographed in February, 1963, making their way down Chorley New Road, Bolton. The caption in the Topics of the Day feature said it reminded the compilers of the pre-war days, when "large parties of cycling club members would ride from towns to country beauty spots." These riders were racers from Bolton and district attending a training weekend at New Overdale Youth Centre.