FURTHER to the debate regarding the Dunscar War Memorial at Egerton, I am strongly opposed to this, as are most people in this area.

Mr Whitton, the executor of the field adjacent to the Memorial, said that the Memorial was in need of cleaning due to the traffic pollution. The Memorial was in fact thoroughly cleaned quite recently.

If the field is to be built on, traffic pollution will certainly increase, and the little Memorial, which is such a landmark, will be moved from its home of 83 years.

The field is not used, as far as I am aware, for drug-taking or any of the other things Mr Fitton claims are going on. As one of your readers pointed out, if there is any trouble with drunkenness, drug taking, etc, it is in the area of the shops in Bromley Cross.

The Dunscar War Memorial should stay where it is because we should never forget what sacrifices these men made for us in both the First and Second World Wars. Likewise, the field should be left for the horses to graze on and wildlife to flourish and for us all to enjoy.

The Memorial has a lovely garden around it that is filled with flowers in summer, the poppy wreaths after the Remembrance Day services and a Christmas tree in December. Far from being a grimy eyesore, as Mr Whitton seems to think, it is a credit to Bolton Council who keep it so nice and a positive asset to the area.

There is far too much building going on in Egerton and Bromley Cross as it is. It is destroying what makes this area so attractive - the green and leafy surroundings that make it a pleasure to live in.

Sue Parker

Smith Lane
