I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with your correspondents regarding the possible relocation of Dunscar War Memorial.

Is nothing sacred any more?

I feel developers are having too much their own way.

By sympathising with those correspondents, I am also shedding my "nimby" tag, or trying to.

As a lifelong Howfener it is difficult, as here we are being bombarded with planning applications.

In the article "Home plans put wildlife at risk", mention is correctly made about the threat to wildlife.

I totally agree with Ben Hargreaves regarding the mistake at Fish Fold.

That development should never have been built, at least not on that scale.

It wouldn't have been so bad if the dwellings just replaced the cottages, which I remember of old.

Unfortunately developers are, in my opinion, greedy, and contain planning members (not all) who cave in at the slightest hitch.

If wildlife has been brushed to one side, what chance has a War Memorial site? Those who have a say really don't care.

B Howarth

Alexandra Drive
