The Comedy Store, Bolton Arena, Saturday, July 24

THE world-famous Comedy Store turned up in Bolton for the first time at the weekend -- and 300 people lifted the roof with laughter.

It started well, with compere Junior Simpson -- a comic with an evangelical style and irresistible delivery -- lighting up the room within seconds of appearing on stage.

Most of his gags seemed to have been plucked from the vaults of comic history, but his enthusiasm carried most of them off, leaving the audience in stitches.

The first act, David Hadingham, was even better and had a great range of one-liners. He improved vastly as his part of the night went on, quickly warming to the initially unreceptive audience.

"I was in a pub smoking away," he said, "when a man came over, took a cigarette out of my packet and said, 'This will kill you' before putting it back. I didn't know which one it was. I had to give the whole packet away."

The next comic, Oldham-born Steve Royle, was by far the most inventive and energetic, and used part of his slot to show off the juggling skills he had honed while playing Mad Edgar at Camelot Theme Park for 10 years!

His best part was his "Lord of the Ringers" sketch -- starring Gollum, but this time set in a Mancunian used-car sales lot.

Terry Alderton finished off the show with a brilliant routine in which he took a pop at the army of young people who appear to take great pride in their striped jumpers, caps with a hood over the top, and tracksuits tucked into their socks.

Much of his act revolved around the visual, including how Mancunians and Londoners can be spotted a mile off because they can't talk while keeping still.

It was a brilliant night of comedy with four talented guys. And best of all, it appears it will be repeated very soon, with The Comedy Store apparently keen to return to Bolton.

David Crookes