IN 1962, an advertisement appeared in the Personal column of The Times newspaper, reading: "A Chung Ling Soo (unstained) required -- Morecambe and Wise, Birmingham, Edgbaston 5357."

What was all that about? It appears that the comedy duo were collectors of beer mats, had one of the finest collections in the world, but were short of one very important piece -- that of Chung Ling Soo.

In May, 1908, Chung appeared at the Empire Theatre, Swindon, and, to commemorate the event -- and probably advertise it as well -- a Chung Ling Soo beer mat was issued commemorating their own appearance at the London Palladium.

So, if you have a Chung Ling Soo beer mat tucked away somewhere, you have hit the jackpot. And that, as they say, is no illusion.