I RESENT the whole tone of the article "Institute is Top of the Flops" (Thursday, August 19) and hope that it does not discourage students from applying to study at Bolton Institute.

It is my experience that the Institute works hard to keep its students.

I, for one, would not have been able to continue my studies there, were it not for the support of long suffering tutors and other staff who are doing all they can to ensure that I get my degree.

Even if it were true that the Institute "takes non-traditionally academic students" (whoever they are), shouldn't it be congratulated for helping such students to become higher achievers?

For this alone, it deserves the increased funds that its hard-won University Status will, hopefully, attract.

You should be focusing on the positive things that Bolton Institute has to offer, and I am not referring to cheaper alcohol or lower student debt.

Christine Elding

Environmental studies and biology student, BIHE