With reference to the correspondence between Malcolm Pittock and various readers, including Messrs Williams and Hornby, concerning the morality of dropping the atomic bombs to end the war against the Japanese.

Malcolm Pittock chides his adversaries with an explanation which essentially states that he had gleaned his reasoning and facts from a formidable US academic.

And, because he referred to the writings of Gar Alperovitz, Mr Pittock is correct.

But Messrs Hornby and Williams did not apply their common sense in deducing Mr Pittock's tactics.

Malcolm, you have committed the basic analytical mistake that seems to distort your reasoning. To claim that you have researched any subject, you should apply the cardinal rule of research - don't pick and choose your references because they substantiate your personally-held opinion.

Research all data from all sources, then come back with your observations!

Peter Inch


Kentucky, USA