I WAS pleased to read an article in your newspaper highlighting the fact that a county and borough councillor had taken an interest in the issue of grass and hedge cutting in the borough.

However the investigation into the borough's grass and hedge cutting service is not being undertaken by the Customer Overview and Scrutiny Panel, but rather by the Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Panel, a panel of the borough council upon which the aforementioned councillor does not serve.

The Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Panel did indeed meet last Wednesday night in the town hall, at the same time that the Chorley Environmental Forum also held a meeting in the main council chamber of the town hall.

What appears to be very apparent from this meeting is that it is widely felt that not enough money is available to improve the standard of service.

We acknowledge the weather of late has not been kind to the service, but do not feel this is an excuse for areas of the borough not having been cut in over 12 weeks and that a full breakdown of the budget allocation to this service should be made public, along with a definition as to why the ruling coalition adopted this budget.

Michael Prescott, Chairman of Chorley Environmental Forum, Glamis Drive, Chorley