HOW'S that for an interesting session in class? Children from Oldhams Lane primary school, Bolton enjoyed a "Pow Wow" in February, 1977.

That was the title of the visiting production staged by the Octagon's Theatre-in-Education company.

A cowboy, Tex, introduced himself to the children and told them about his wild-west show and the Indian he had in a cage.

They learned about the Red Indian's way of life and culture and were encouraged to be sympathetic to his caged plight. The company was established in 1969 and gave hundreds of classroom performances - "Pow Wow" was the most popular - in Bolton, Rochdale, Manchester and Trafford.

But when this picture appeared in the Evening News financial storm clouds were on the horizon and Bolton Council seemed likely to withdraw their backing the following year.

Clive Russell, as the Indian, is pictured here explaining his way of life while Tex (Nick Maloney) looks on.