A TRADER in Horwich replied to a letter asking for cash for CCTV cameras - by tearing it up and returning it.

The shredded letter was returned two days after Horwich Town Council asked businesses for cash towards the running costs of the town's seven-camera CCTV system.

Most traders have refused to contribute the £10 a month towards the running costs of the scheme. The council says that without their help, it cannot afford the £16,000 a year needed to run and maintain the cameras.

Two days after the letters were sent to 130 shops and businesses along Lee Lane, Winter Hey Lane and Chorley New Road, one unopened envelope arrived back at the Lee Lane Public Hall, in pieces.

Council leader Cllr John Cronnolley said: "It arrived in our post box with no post mark and no comments so we have no idea who sent it but find it very disturbing.

"The majority of traders do not live in Horwich so are benefiting from a service that they have not contributed to."

Sergeant Joy McMahon, who covers the Horwich area, she said: "CCTV systems up and down the country have been proved to prevent and detect Crime. You only have to look at Crimewatch UK as an example of where offenders have been caught using CCTV footage.

"If we take something away that has been established for the past three years, it could lead to the area becoming a soft touch for criminals."

Phil Shacklady, who owns Personal Care Plus in Lee Lane, said: "They used to ask for £8 a month and I used to pay it, until I found out that I was one of only six traders paying. Voluntary schemes never work for that reason.

"The CCTV system is for the everyone who uses Horwich town centre, not just the businesses, so I don't think it is right for the council to put the blame on us.

The future of the CCTV system will be decided at a public meeting at 7.30pm on Monday at the Public Hall, Lee Lane.