A JILTED Hell's Angel biker kept a factfile on the residents of a Radcliffe street where she gunned down a man with a sawn-off shotgun, a court was told.

Police found the file when they raided the house of a friend in York following the shooting of Robert Wilkie last Hallowe'en night.

The prosecution at the murder trial say Heather Stephenson-Snell travelled from Yorkshire to kill her ex-boyfriend's new lover. She went to the home of Diane Lomax on Halloween night last year carrying a hidden shotgun and wearing a Scream mask and cloak, the jury was told.

But instead she killed an inncoent neighbour Robert Wilkie who had gone outside to investigate a noise, the prosecution alleged.

Following a struggle Wilkie died within minutes of being shot in the stomach at point blank range.

Stephenson-Snell, aged 46, of Crombie Avenue, York, denies murdering Mr Wilkie and the attempted murder of Miss Lomax and is on trial at Manchester Crown Court. The jury was shown a selection of items found at a house in George Street, York, belonging to an acquaintance of Stephenson-Snell's, Paul Walker.

They included documents found inside a silver attache case which had names, addresses and phone numbers of her ex-lover's new girlfriend Diane Lomax, other people on the street who the notes said were her mother and sister and the address of another resident of Holland Street whose christian name was Diane.

On a separate piece of paper the words "Diane Lomax, 59 Holland Street. Relatives at 31 and 74" and "74 Holland Street. Looks like a twin" were written.

The addresses were also written in an organiser.

Ms Lomax told the court earlier in the trial that she had seen Stephenson-Snell in Holland Street during what the prosecution allege was a campaign of hate which lasted from November 2002 to spring 2003.

She threatened to mutilate Ms Lomax and kill Adrian Sinclair -- Stephenson-Snell's ex-boyfriend -- the court was told.

Also in the case was a piece of paper with the details of doctors' surgeries in Radcliffe, Prestwich and Tottington and the words "Hello, could I have an appointment. Asking for Wednesday 9.30. I've got laryngitis. Just depression. Been really depressed for a while."

Along with the papers were two knives, Mr Sinclair's bank statements and a copy of the Radcliffe Times and Bury Times from last summer.

Another knife, handgun holster and blank-firing bullets were also found in a black holdall at the house where she had also stored clothes.

A transcript of her first interview after she was arrested on the M62 just hours after the shooting was read to the court.

Police found the sawn-off shotgun, two knives and the white sheet she was wearing in the car.

Canadian-born Stephenson-Snell, leader of an all-girl Hell's Angel chapter, told police during an interview on Sunday November 2 2003 -- less than 48 hours after the killing -- that she had travelled to Radcliffe to tell Ms Lomax that her Mr Sinclair had raped her 12 months previously.

She told police that she wanted to confront Mr Sinclair. and travelled to Radcliffe because Ms Lomax's address was the only link she had to him.

"Because she knew what I looked like, I thought it was best to put a mask on so I had a chance of talking to her before she started kicking off," she told detectives.

"I kept knocking on her door and she came out with a rifle. She aimed it at me and it went 'click' and then she ran back into the house.

"She came rushing back and had the gun broken and a black pouch with some cartridges and that was when I thought it was more serious."

Stephenson-Snell then told how Mr Wilkie had come out complaining about the noise and she was pushed to the ground and punched repeatedly in the face by the pair.

She said she had hold of a strap on the gun just before the fatal shot was fired into 43-year-old Mr Wilkie's stomach, killing him almost instantly.

"I had hold of the strap and there was an explosion," she added.
