MEMBERS of the Bolton Bus Preservation Group take a wide view of transport matters - their latest event features trains.

The latest in a series of popular transport slide shows is on Monday, October 4, in the St Augustine's Church Crypt, Tonge Moor, Bolton.

It will be given by Steve Leyland, and will feature South African Steam in the '80s and Preserved Mainline Steam around Manchester.

The show starts at 7.30pm and costs £2.50.

Proceeds will go towards the group's on-going preservation work on old Bolton Corporation buses.


Main - The world-famous preserved steam locomotive The Flying Scotsman (4472) is pictured on the Miles Platting bank, Manchester, in the early 1980s. It was hauling a special - Fenman Railtour - from Manchester to Spalding.

Inset - Passengers on board a 1956 coach, which Bolton Corporation Transport used on private hire work until it was sold in 1962.