THE language I hear nowadays! I am one of the minority in Bolton who chooses to travel to work by bus, instead of adding to the traffic problems I read about on this page time and time again.

However, so far as children go, my recommendation is to keep them away from certain bus services to keep them from experiencing some of the shameful things I witness while on the bus each morning, such as litter, smoking and ignorance.

One of the most upsetting things which I am ashamed to hear every day is the language in use by the few children who catch the same bus that I do to go to school. Is this something that they are being taught as a special language? It certainly wasn't covered at my school.

I fully support the parent who chooses to give their child a lift to school, and will continue to do so until the behaviour of the children who catch these buses improves.

Kieran McGeehan

Hennon Street

