IN reply to Janet Moseley. Contradiction! I did not say that wind power should be the sole replacement for nuclear generation, it is preferable to nuclear power.

Further to this there are no surges with wind generated power. Wind speeds between 7 knots and 20 knots generate power at a consistent output, it does not fluctuate with wind speed.

Please explain "when the wind stops so does generation"!

The wind does not stop all over the country does it?

Noise attenuation depends on the density of the air, humidity, rain, fog, mist, heat, cold, etc and high or low frequency ranges can be improved by these conditions.

Ultra low frequency sound is the fly in the ointment it can, at certain levels, destroy animals and human beings (as was tested in WW2).

If you are also inferring that the frequency levels interfere with sonar navigation system of bats, then maybe you could be correct that deaths have occurred, although this is the first time that I have heard of this and as yet I have not seen any technical papers to support this. Bird deaths are a moot point and again and evidence of this is sketchy.

May I point out the following maxim:- "You can bury your head in the sand but you have to breathe sooner or later."

Tom Bostock

Havelock North 4201

Hawkes Bay

New Zealand