A CAMPAIGN group that successfully fought plans for a quarry in Euxton has reformed in a bid to block new proposals.

Erase (Euxton Residents Against Sand Excavation) forced a public inquiry in 1999 after Tarmac applied to quarry 4.5 million tonnes of sand over 16 years.

More than 6,500 objections were heard, and eventually a government inspector agreed with the residents and halted the plans for the quarry at a huge site running from Dawber's Lane, crossing Runshaw Lane and ending north of Euxton Playing Fields.

Now Tarmac has announced it will submit similar plans later this year.

Euxton businessman Bruce Carlin, who helped lead the residents' protests in 1999, has resurrected Erase and the grounp has already started lobbying local councillors and politicians.

He said: "Tarmac's application has hardly changed at all. But what has changed in Euxton is the number of homes, new industry and the volume of traffic.

"The outcome of the public inquiry was that Lancashire County Council should look for alternative sites and extend existing sites before allowing applications on a greenfield site."

During the public inquiry, the group objected to the plan on the grounds of need, proximity to a large residential area and environmental impacts like noise, dust, traffic and pollution. After the inquiry, the inspector reported that Tarmac's proposal would have a 'significant and permanent detrimental effect' on locals.

Mr Carlin added: "This is a major development and it is not something we want in a built up area. The dust would blow straight over our homes and there are so many factors which would affect our lives if the quarry is allowed to open here."

If Tarmac's plan were to go ahead, it would be the largest quarry approved in Lancashire for more than 30 years.

A working group made up of residents' representatives and parish councillors has been set up

A county council spokesperson said: "Tarmac have made an application for a scoping opinion in relationship to the land.

"This is not a planning application -- it is a preliminary step by which potential applicants get guidance about the things which they must include in an Environmental Statement which must accompany any planning application they might submit.

"The county council has not yet issued the scoping opinion and no formal planning application has been lodged to date."